Assignment Judge Passero and Judge Donato at the dedication of the Hall of Honor. (courtesy C.F.Rohde) |
President Norman I. Klein with Chief Justice Deborah Poritz. |
Bob Stober, Ronda Casson Cotroneo, Glenn Peterson and Tom DeVita at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Howard Ebright, Philip Fenster and Rich Miller at Judge Scancarella’s Retirement Dinner. |
Alan Fodge and Associates at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Judge Clark, Judge Scancarella, Judge Riva at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Judge Sabbath’s mother at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Dominic Caruso at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Irene Mecky, Judge Graziano and Ronda Casson Cotroneo at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Judge Sabbath, Judge McVeigh and Judge Brogan at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Kevin Harrington and Ronda Casson Cotroneo at Judge Sabbath’s Retirement Dinner. |
Tom LaConte, Linda Sampson, Judge Sokalski , Judge Saunders and Joe Spinella at State Bar Night. |
Judge Selser, Glenn Peterson and Peter Weiss at the Holiday Beefsteak. |
Gloria Martini, Judge Brogan Judge Martini at Judge Scancarella’s Retirement Dinner. |
State Bar President Edwin McCreedy and Assignment Judge Robert Passero at State Bar Night. |
Retired Presiding Judge Joseph Scancarella at his Retirement Dinner. |
PCBA President Norman Klein making a presentation to retiring Judge George Sabbath. |
Young Lawyers Meet the Judges. |
Hon. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. (Morris); Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz; John L. Molinelli, President, Bergen County Bar Association; Norman I. Klein, President, Passaic County Bar Association; Hon. Sybil R. Moses, A.J.S.C (Bergen); William A. Krais, President, Morris County Bar Association; Hon. Robert J. Passero, A.J.S.C. (Passaic); Justice Jaynee LaVecchia at the Valley Regency (March, 2005). |